Monday, July 13, 2009

If I Turn Into A Memory

累了 照慣例努力清醒著 也照慣例 想你了
好怕一放心睡了 心跳在夢中 不聽話的 就停止了
As always.. trying to grasping my consciousness, regardless of how tiring it is
and as always, thinking about you.
Fearing that if I were to quietly go to sleep,
my heartbeat will disobediently stop in my dreams.

聽著 呼吸像浪潮拍動著 越沒力越讓我忐忑
我還能珍惜什麼 如果我連自己的脈搏 都難掌握
Listening to myself breathing like the waves roaring..
the weaker the roar, the worrier I get.
What else can I cherish.. if I cannot even control my pulse.

如果我變成回憶 退出了這場生命
留下你錯愕哭泣 我冰冷身體 擁抱不了你
想到我讓深愛的你 人海孤獨旅行
我會恨自己 如此狠心
If I turn into a memory and retreat from this life
Leaving you stunned and crying against my icy body that cannot embrace you.
Knowing that I'd let my beloved you being alone.
I will hate myself, for being so cruel.

如果我變成回憶 終於沒那麼幸運
沒機會白著頭髮 蹣跚牽著你 看晚霞落盡
若有人可以 讓他陪你 我不怪你
If I'm finally unlucky enough, to become a memory,
to be without an opportunity to turn old, limp and watch the sunset together with you..
There will be one day that you would recover from the pain,
so if there is someone, let him be with you because I won't condemn you.

快樂 什麼時候會結束呢 哪一刻是最後一刻
想把你緊緊抱著 可知你是我生命中的 最捨不得
Happiness, when will it end? Which moment is the last moment?
I want to tightly hold you; the one I don't want to give up the most in life.

如果我變成回憶 最怕我太不爭氣
頑固地賴在空氣 霸佔你心裡 每一寸縫隙
這樣不公平 請你盡力 把我忘記
If I become a memory, I'm afraid I'd be weak,
stubbornly depending on air, wringing on and slitting every inch of your heart
rendering your love for me to result in pain.
Such unfairness... I beg that you use all of your effort, to forget me.
I had problems with the last verse..
Hopefully that will do (please do tell me if you have even better translations for it).

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